Thanks, October.

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Can you believe November is here already!? October was full of changes and I loved it. If life gives you lemons, make orange juice and leave life wondering how you did it, right?! After going through a job transition, I had a few weeks of free time on my hands. I made the most of it and feel like I have been completely inspired! I made a list of things I learned throughout the past month on my phone and now its time to share a few. These may seem random, but I’m hoping they might hit home with someone out there. 🙂

1. It Doesn’t Matter What People Think About You.

Seriously people! Why did it take me this long to figure out? We’ve all been told this before, but sometimes not worrying about what people think about me takes effort. Some people just have something to say about everything. What you do, what you say, what you wear, how you act, and what makes you happy. I was finding myself considering what “those” people would think about me more than I should, and it hit me like a brick wall. In fact, if I continued to let those people affect my decisions I probably wouldn’t have started this blog. Let them say what they want. Take the time you would think wondering about them and turn it into valuable time.

2. Don’t Quit Your Day Dream.

Don't quit your daydream

If there is something you’re always thinking about and always wishing you were doing, take a step back and ask yourself what is holding you back? Start somewhere. Write down your dreams, make a plan, and figure out if this is something you can achieve. Five months ago I kept envisioning myself having this super cute blog where I could write about fashion, travel, and all the things that make me happy. I am so grateful I had influences in my life that encouraged me to follow through with my day dream. This blog keeps my excitement going! Just ask my husband… it’s all he hears about lately. 😉

3. Dont Be Afraid To Fail

Start somewhere

A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to be welcomed into the home of Alison Victoria, star of the hit tv show Kitchen Crashers. She hosted a few of us in her home and shared her story. We all left feeling completely inspired. The message that hit home the most with me was “don’t be afraid to fail.” This is especially true when we are trying new things.

4. Invest In People Who Invest In You

Don’t waste your time with the people who don’t believe in you. Surround yourself with supporters and believers, and support them back. I realized that sometimes in life you will come accross people who only want to be your friend when they need something from you or want to feel like you owe them later on. Those aren’t real friends.

5. Find Joy in the Ordinary

find joy in the ordinary

I didn’t necessarily learn this in October, but I saw a quote on Pinterest and thought it was a good one. It’s totally okay to get excited about the little things in life. Forget about the negative nancy’s that roll their eyes when you get excited about what you had for breakfast, the weather, or your new polka dot pants. I’ve found that surrounding myself with positive people makes me appreciate the smaller things in life even more.

I’m so excited November is here! My family is coming to visit in a few weeks, and I can’t wait to see them. I hope your month is off to a fabulous start.


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