15 Ways to Treat Yourself

I recently came across a cute little image on Pinterest that said “Reminder: Self Care is Not Selfish.” It’s true. Why do we sometimes feel selfish or even guilty when we do something for ourselves? Many of us are wives, moms, working women, or even all of the above. The reality is that you can’t pour from an empty cup. I believe that you have to take care of yourself first in order to the be best version of yourself, however I’m not always the best at doing this.  A little bit goes a long way in terms of treating yourself, so today I wanted to share a list of 15 fun ways to treat yourself. YOU deserve it!

leggings with pink sweatshirt, pink beanie, and rain booties - 15 Ways to Treat Yourself by popular Las Vegas style blogger Outfits & Outings

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15 Ways to Treat Yourself

1.Take a bubble bath. In my opinion, the best way to take a bath is with bath bombs, your favorite drink, music, a treat, and a book. A relaxing bath is best followed by bundling up in my favorite robe.

2. Read a book. I always say I wish I read more, but I never make the time for it. Buy a book or pick up a book you’ve been meaning to read and block out some time to relax.

3. Get a mani/pedi. 

stay-cation sweater and pink beanie - 15 Ways to Treat Yourself by popular Las Vegas style blogger Outfits & Outings

15 Ways to Treat Yourself

4. Get your hair done. I wait WAY too long to get my hair done. I just went 5 months before having mine redone, and it’s only because I wasn’t finding time for myself. A nice trim and a fresh color just makes me feel happy!

5. Plan a staycation. I am all about staycations! There are so many options here in Las Vegas, and there is always a good deal on Groupon. Brett and I always have so much fun during staycations, and it is so refreshing to just change up your normal routine. I think the next one I plan will be a girls staycation while the husbands have the kids.

6. Visit a spa. Many spas offer a spa day pass that allows you to use their amenities without even booking a treatment. Although a spa day sounds pricey, there are many different options available. If you want the full treatment, by all means do it. (My favorites are a facial or massage.) But just know that there is an option for everyone! In fact, for an extremely cheap “spa day” visit a foot spa! Their prices are incredible and you can get a hour and a half massage for under $50.

ways to treat yourself staycation sweatshirt and blush beanie - 15 Ways to Treat Yourself by popular Las Vegas style blogger Outfits & Outings

15 Ways to Treat Yourself

7. Buy yourself a little something. Have you been eyeing something? Just do it! Buy yourself a new lipgloss or lipstick, some slippers, a new top, a cozy accessory, or even a new bra.

8. Go see a movie. I’ve never been to the movies by myself, but I’ve heard it can be like therapy. Who says you need to go alone? Bring a friend or your man! I love to sneak in some tasty food while I’m at it.

15 ways to treat yourself and a cozy winter outfit - 15 Ways to Treat Yourself by popular Las Vegas style blogger Outfits & Outings

15 Ways to Treat Yourself

9. Treat yourself to your favorite drink. Some of my favorite drinks include milk tea with boba, soda from a shop, smoothies, or a white hot chocolate. Whatever your favorite is, buy a large and sip it nice and slow.

10. Have a girls night. Girls nights are good for the soul. I always feel so refreshed after a night out with the girls. It can be as low key or as extravagant as you want.

11. Buy yourself flowers. Who says someone else needs to buy your flowers? Buy yourself some fresh blooms to brighten up your home!

12. Hire a house cleaner. Ha! Now this one isn’t for everyone. This is on my dream list, which may sound a little over the top considering my house isn’t even that big. But being pregnant with a toddler, a to do list that just keeps on growing, and a husband who works long hours, I think this would be one of my favorite ways to treat yourself on the list.

comfy pregnancy outfit and a list of ways to treat yourself - 15 Ways to Treat Yourself by popular Las Vegas style blogger Outfits & Outings

13. Trade babysitting with a friend (or call off work just because.) Often times I find myself feeling anxiety to ask family to watch Michael. We haven’t entertained the idea of finding a non-family-member babysitter, but sometimes you just NEED some time to yourself. I really love trading babysitting with friends who also have children. They drop off their child for a couple hours when they need it. Then, when you’re in need of a couple child-free hours, take them over to their house to play!

14. Make a new playlist. There’s nothing better than a new playlist! I love to blast mine when I’m working on the computer, picking up the house, or driving. It’s so simple, but it can be a great pick-me-up for days to come.

15. Indulge. Whether it’s a candy bar, Ben & Jerry’s, takeout, or your favorite splurge meal, sometimes you just need it. I’m all about everything in moderation.

cozy winter outfit rain booties black leggings pink sweatshirt and pink beanie plus a list of 15 ways to treat yourself - 15 Ways to Treat Yourself by popular Las Vegas style blogger Outfits & Outings

What if you devoted a little more time this year to loving yourself? I hope you enjoyed this list, and that you remember that it is OK to treat yourself every once in a while! Next time you’re in need of a little TLC, revisit this list and take a moment to do something for yourself.

Outfit Details

second trimester pregnancy outfit sweatshirt pink beanie black leggings and rain booties - 15 Ways to Treat Yourself by popular Las Vegas style blogger Outfits & Outings

Sweatshirt | Beanie | Leggings | Socks | Booties ($54!)

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Photos by Bethany Paige Photography

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